

Instructor: Money and Banking
Summer 2021, George Mason University
Rating: 4.75/5

Instructor: Money and Banking
Summer 2022, George Mason University
Rating: 4.60/5

Student Testimonials

"Honestly the whole class all together was great and taught me a lot."

"I thought the way the problem sets and midterm were formatted greatly helped me in learning the material in a practical manner rather than simply memorizing."

"The layout was very easy to follow and the notes were super helpful."

"I actually learned so much about how the financial sector can affect our daily lives."

"I think what helped me learn best was the way the instructor designed the course."

"I felt that the questions asked in all of our assignments and exams were thought provoking and required real understanding of the material studied to answer them."

"Prof. Tian's lectures were very engaging. She exudes enthusiasm and positivity, and it made the class a very upbeat experience."